1. Do you save any data in any third party server?

Yes. We send anonymous (non-PII) usage data to Google Analytics Servers. This includes, but not limited to page views, user’s interactions such as creating or updating API. This does NOT include the API content.

The API content is only stored in clients' Confluence instance. The API document is generated purely within the browser. We, the vendor, do not store or process the API content in our server. Our servers are used only for hosting static resources (HTML, JavaScript and CSS). We do not have access to the API content at all.

2. Is it possible to have multiple asyncapi macros per page?

No. But this is on our backlog. We think it is an important feature, but we would like to hear from our clients whether it is really useful before we start working on it.

Could you please let us know how import this feature is for you?

3. Is it possible the asyncapi rendering to be part of a larger pdf document exported through the standard confluence export button? If not can you provide more info if this is achievable and could be done in the future?

This feature is not included at this moment. We would need to convert it to an embeddable macro first (as mentioned in #2).

It is technically achievable. We have another product on confluence (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1218380/zenuml-sequence-diagram ) that support export to PDF. Good news is we can achieve this without having access to your API content. We follow a zero-trust philosophy. We prevent ourselves from having access to client’s data, so you do not have to trust us (smile). Your data is not stored or even processed in our server.

4. Do or will you support asyncapi-diff and render differences tracked from a source control in another macro?

This is on our long term roadmap. With our current architecture it is not possible without either compromising security or for us to gain access to client’s data which violate our zero-trust philosophy. However, Atlassian forge is a perfect solution for this use case. It allows clients to keep all secrets (e.g. credentials to your source control) and content.

We do not have a timeline for the migration as Atlassian needs to improve forge for the macro modules to work. See https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/FRGE-526 for more details. We will have a better idea once it is done.