Google Analytics and Google Ads


  1. 知道哪些用户是来自于广告的。


  1. 理解Analytics里面每个Event代表什么?

上图对应: ec - Convert, ea - click, el - Cloud Try modal

上图对应: ec - Convert, ea - click, el - Cloud Buy modal

上图对应: ec - Convert, ea - click, el - Cloud Buy Button

conversion takes place when a visitor to your site takes an action you care about and "converts" to a customer. This could be through filling out a form, completing a purchase, or by simply showing a high level of engagement with your site

Every time a purchase is completed it will count as a goal conversion

So an event means a goal conversion.

In our case,

Our goal,

The data,

So the Events here, means among the 160 goal completion, 80 of them finished clicking try or finished the 3 steps to try???有待验证

2. 理解Analytics里面Goal的概念

This Goal would have a 3.06% conversion rate based on your data from the past 7 days.

Goal Completions 160 -The total number of conversions. 应该就是意思有160次用户到了这个页面

Goal Value $88.00 -Total Goal Value is the total value produced by goal conversions on your site. This value is calculated by multiplying the number of goal conversions by the value that you assigned to each goal.

因为我们设置了两个一样得goal一个里面是对应1刀, 一个是对应0.1 刀 所以88是这么来的 = 80*1 +80*0.1

Goal Conversion Rate 5.81%


3. 把Google Ads看做Analytics的Acquisition source

4. Analytics里面的Conversation和Google Ads的Conversation的关系



Ads cost





