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Welcome to ZenUML™

Developers don't like drawing diagrams, what's the alternative?

There is already Visio, why do we bother to create ZenUML. Well, because I feel more comfortable with textual languages than with graphical ones.

With ZenUML, you can draw a perfect sequence diagram in less than 10 minutes. The diagram is stored in the cloud if you choose to log in. Otherwise, it is stored within your browser's storage.


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ZenUML on Intellij IDEA

ZenUML plugin provides the capability to generate sequence diagrams from Java code within the IDE and see the rendered HTML in a live preview.

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ZenUML on Confluence

ZenUML is a leading diagram-as-code app on Atlassian Confluence. It can also be used to draw generic diagrams, such as UML, BPMN, ER, etc.

Try it now »