ZenUML Diagrams For Confluence

ZenUML Diagrams For Confluence


You can find the plugin landing page on:

ZenUML Diagrams for Confluence | Atlassian Marketplace

ZenUML Diagrams and Open API Lite | Atlassian Marketplace

This add-on must be installed through the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager (UPM):

  1. Click on Settings on your Confluence Cloud instance

  2. Click Find new apps from the left-hand side of the page

  3. Locate ZenUML Diagrams for Confluence (FREEMIUM) or ZenUML Diagrams and Open API Lite via search

  4. Click Try it free or Get app

  5. You're done!

Open / create diagrams

A ZenUML diagram/graph or Open API spec can be created within any Confluence page, provided you have permission to edit the page.

From the menu +↓

You can also use the shortcut: /zenuml.


The macro is pre-populated with a default sequence diagram as below:

Edit mode

Click the PEN icon below the macro to enter the edit mode.

Save a diagram

When you finished editing, you can save the diagram by clicking the “Save” button. After saving a diagram, it can be edited at any time - click on the diagram, and then click on the PEN icon in the toolbar.

View mode

In view mode, you can search on the diagram by using standard browser searching functionality.