ZenUML Docs

ZenUML Docs

Do you have little experience with the creation of professional sequence diagrams? ZenUML can help you.

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ZenUML Sequence Diagram is a Confluence macro App for creating sequence diagrams on Confluence pages.

What is new

Feb 5, 2021 


Highlight current message

When you move the mouse cursor the message under the cursor will be highlighted on the right side.


It is possible to add stereotypes to participants using << and >>.

<<Callable>> B <<Service>> A A.method() A->B: Event

Par - Parallel

It is possible to group messages together using par. It defines potentially parallel execution of behavior of the operands of the combined fragment.

par { A.method B.method }

Sep 19, 2020 


Now you can set background colour for each participant.


We have recently introduced some enhancement to the plugin. Check it out at the following example for the NEW! features (Cloud only).

Get started

  1. Install the application from https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1218380/zenuml-sequence-diagram-free-on-server

  2. Start by creating or editing a page in Confluence

  3. Insert the macro

    1. from the "Insert more content → ZenUML Sequence Diagram" menu

    2. or by typing /zenuml in the new editor or {zenuml in the legacy editor

  4. Create your own sequence diagrams using ZenUML DSL

  5. More information about ZenUML - Introduction


The embedded diagram is like this (If the diagram is not displayed properly, please refresh.):

The editor is like below: